Our Zephyr summer squash and zucchini are gloriously abundant this year. Sometimes keeping up with their bounty in the kitchen can, at first glance, seem quite the challenge. This crustless quiche is not only quick to whip up, it is a great way to use up summer squash as well as other veggies clamoring to be consumed at their prime. Any combination of greens, summer squash, and other veggies can be adapted to this versatile dish, just be sure to wilt your greens ahead of assembling the quiche. This summer quiche is delightful with a crisp salad and crusty bread with butter. Note for the Future: You can even break out this recipe in the winter squash months if you precook the harder squash before adding them to your skillet.

Recipe adapted from: https://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-crustless-quiche-with-summer-vegetables-221550